Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Spotting A Narcissist - Are You One?

Unfortunately in our world, there is a word or "disorder" for everything. We tell our friends they're bipolar when they're mad, we tell people they're schizo when they do something odd but, not every action is explained by a mental illness or disorder. So, how do us non professionals know someone is a Narcissist or is suffering NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) And..........Are you a narcissist too?!

Although not every skills are taught in school, it really is best to let a licensed psychologist/therapist provide any mental diagnosis (and its NOT our jobs to exaggerate the illness and belittle those suffering) But, here a few things to look out for when you're trying to figure if one may be the NARCISSIST!

1.) Bait & Switch
Most narcissist are A1 at "Bait & Switch". Baiting someone in with a beautiful personality just to destroy them when comfort sets in. They will come off as almost perfect making you wonder "how can someone not like him/her?" then you'll realize just "how" after seeing their true colors. It will almost make you feel guilty for wanting to leave after the truth is shown. Remember, some Narcs are big and charismatic while others hold reserved personalities so look out and, make sure to ask real questions when talking with a narc. 

2.) Sensitivity to criticism
Most narcissists I've come across always feel they are perfect and, entitled. So, criticizing them on anything, good or bad, is never a great idea. This personality will go as far as to "blow up" if you disagree with their work as if they seek an argument. Not only are they "perfect" but, nothing is every perfect for them. Your work isn't up to par and straight up embarrassing. In a relationship with this narcissist, you may resort to flattery just to maintain peace. 

3.) Found in Management/Leadership positions
Now, not all managers are a**holes. But, plenty have narcissistic traits. This makes them perfect for management because they do not care about how people feel. With business, we know only numbers matter so, firing someone because of something simple is not a problem for them. They will also use their title to FEEL superior to you in LIFE, not just work and, see employees as pitiful ants. Remember, "Those who can, do; Those who can't, teach" (but not all managers are narcissists)

4.) They're quick to blame
You would think someone who seeks idolization would be man or woman enough to state when they're wrong. But, that's not the case with narcissist. Even when they have the logic to determine why something went wrong, they can't help but blame someone else. Easy fix or not, they will not go without devaluating another person/thing.

5.) They never know they are the narcissist.
As adults, we are expected to reflect on our actions to ensure we are being the best we can be. We need to be kind to each other because we do in fact need each other as humans. Narcissists feel they are already at their best so, what is there to compare? The narcissist does not believe their worst is so bad, keeping them from seeing the problem. They stay stuck in this world of ME. But, the moment he or she realizes how lonely they've become, regardless of how amazing they feel, this person will be forced to face the music. - Codependents aren't the only people walking this earth.

There is plenty more to look out for but, these are basic signs most narcissists show. After reading, do you feel you have these traits? Have you been afraid to realize you may have these problems? Leave a comment. Let me know..........


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