Wednesday, January 24, 2018

How Long Does It Take? - Healing From Anxiety

One burning question most victims have after mental and emotional abuse is: How long will it take for me to heal? With my own anxiety, I couldn't help but wonder the same. But, after an overthought "breakthrough" I realized something I never thought of and, am happy to come to terms with. That's the fact that there is no known length of time. Time itself is the answer.

Prior, when I wanted to know how long it would take to heal from so much anxiety, I didn't want to hear that there was no actual length of time. I needed my life back now and, not only did I want that, I also needed to learn how to make that time shorter -  so I can have my life back sooner. Feeling like a mad woman on the inside.

After a bout of my most severe anxiety attacks I saw that all my attempts of trying to stop this suffering just wasn't good enough. All the info I learned, didn't mean anything. All the videos I watched, might as well have been erased from my memory. Because, nothing would stop the chest pains, the heart palpitations, constantly thinking about dying, the closed feeling in my throat, the stomach pains, the dizziness, the hurricane, the mess. So instead, I stopped.

I stopped searching. I stopped looking. I stopped thinking. And I started listening.

I made the decision to listen to my body and absorb my anxiety instead of fight my anxiety. And, that's because I realized it was a sign. A sign that my life was ready for change. And, that I was experiencing a spiritual awakening. So, when a physical symptom came on, I took a deep breathe and, embraced it. I told myself "yeah, my chest is tight but, it'll go away" or "Wow, I'm really overwhelmed with fear today but, feeling scared is a natural human feeling". I finally accepted anxiety. I no longer denied it and, that helped me to ultimately stop fighting it. I really began to live alongside it.

From there I let go and let the days take me (and, still do). In doing so, I fell into a different routine and, got to understand the roots of my anxiety, practice ways to contain it's symptoms, remember the importance of proper breathing, and so on. I meditated, tried to surround myself with positive influences, moved to another state (yes I moved to another state) and, still neighbor anxiety. Just this time, it lives so much more further away.

So, what happened to me asking "When will this all be over?" , "When will i get my life back?" , "How long will it take to heal?"

Well, without noticing, all of that wonder seems to have disappear and, reassurance is the focus. After embracing my anxiety and, letting go of control, trust settled in and, the "hunt for heal" is now my oldest venture. Even though anxiety does exist, it no longer controls my life the way it once did. I have no idea when healing began. I also have no clue if I'm done. What I do know is, it all takes time.

Thanks for reading. I hope my story impacted you in a positive way. If you are suffering from anxiety, ptsd, or any emotional/mental trauma, I'm hoping your quest is an enlightened one.

"Only you put the I in ANXIETY"
By: Amanda Salas (Jones)
Twitter/IG: SekhmetIsrah17

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