Monday, February 26, 2018

5 Direct Physical Results Of Narcissism Abuse

Updated as of 1/13/19

Many narcissists believe the emotional and mental violation implemented onto their victim’s mind will not impact them physically what so ever. Since internal pain is easier to hide, breaking their partner down through the mind is their usual way to go. But, even for the least physical perpetrator, constant mental and verbal attacks almost always creates negative, physical side effects. Here are a few listed below. 

Anxiety - Due to excessive anticipation and worry, the victim learns severe anxiety.  Though this problem starts in the mind, physical aspects of anxiety/panic attacks include chest pains, sweating, shortness of breathe, heart palpitations and sudden feeling of “doom”. All types of anxiety disorders can make a person lose time st work, time with loved ones and can also lead to depression.

Headaches - With any daily stress, sudden or onset headaches and migraines can begin to shadow even the happiest of days But, when stressed, the muscles become tense and a tightening of the shoulders and neck create a “vice - like” compression, also known as a stress headache. Given the extreme amounts of conflict a narcissist can cause, headaches can be one of the very first symptoms of mental distress.

Stomach disorders - Stomach pains are closely associated to stress and abuse. Studies have shown that "unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms are more common in adults who recall abuse as a child" and "maltreatment could affect gastrointestinal symptoms through several mechanisms, including increased emotional distress". Severe ailments such as ulcers can also form as a result of narcissism abuse. On a spiritual level, many people reference the stomach as the "call center" or "pentagon" of the body where our intuition is sensed. When under facing hardship, stomach pain is one of the first signs of agony taking a toll on the body. There's More To You Than You Think

Blood Pressure - Unfortunately, when people are exposed to abuse or neglect as children, there blood pressure is raised prematurely. In adult years, managing more stress adds on to the already heightened blood pressure. As many people know, hypertension can result in heart attack, heart failure or stroke.
Also, if the victim is already emotionally binge eating, with high blood pressure, this will raise the chance of forming blood clots and getting heart disease.

Teeth Grinding/Clenching - Similar to the muscle tension that create headaches, the jaw can tightened and clench generating pain as well. Showing it's self during sleep, teeth grinding or bruxism can wears the teeth down as well as create ear and headaches after waking up. While awake, the jaw can still unwillingly clench during times of focus or stress.

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If controlling the toxic environment around the victim isn't possible, directing these physical symptoms through meditation, exercise, yoga and healthy eating will support a more balanced sense of being. Seeking professional therapy or group support can also help tremendously.

Narcissist abuse is serious. Don't let your health sink because of it. The remnants of abuse will become a burden to the victim's body even if they don't believe it. Help yourself or someone you love today.......

        "Healing is a matter of time but it is sometimes a matter of opportunity" - Hippocrates

Stomach Studies
Blood Pressure
Stress Effects

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