Monday, January 17, 2022

Age Of Narcissist

I didn't realize it's been a while since I've created a new post on this blog. Sorry it's been so long. Happy 2022 if you're still celebrating the New Year. That being said, what an interesting age we've woken up to: The Age of The Narcissist.
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Within the last few years, narcissism awareness has become huge! There are thousands of Youtube channels explaining the disorder, the fact that it comes in any relationship, how to recognize it, how to over come it, etc. Who knew so many people were suffering from the issue or suffering as a victim of narcissism abuse. Luckily, so many people (and professionals) are here to help us wake up.

But how did we get here? Why are we here? Did social media push us to the edge of selfishness? Are we ALL prone to narcissistic behaviors? We can dig deeper.....

How did we get here?: Many people will argue that social media helped us become a lot more selfish and I agree 100%. The amount of attention a "normal" person (perferably with no great talent what so ever) recieves now is way more than they could just 20 years ago. With some average teens recieving millions of followers on platforms like Tik Tok, it's obvious as to why they start to feel extremely important to people they don't even know, thus expecting ADMIRATION from those they've known all of their lives. But, even 50 years ago, people had this "God complex" even though social media didn't exist. Most professionals believe being given high praise as a child helps to breed this kind of personality. I can see how. But - I'm at a point where I believe there is an emotional disconnection a lot of these people have, assisting them in a lack of empthay or hell - a lack of basic care for others. As a good friend of mine put it once before, these people look at others as just a climbing tool. Getting to the top with no care as to what the victim will suffer through.......

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Why are we here?: As far as an awakening, looks like a lot of people are tired of having to hide the abuse they've endured. To feel so constricted by manipulation, to feel so alone and so frustrated - to the point where some feel su**idal definetly helped us get to a point where theres even classes to help us overcome this kind of abuse. Some people have experienced such extreme trauma that they'll be in their 60s trying to escape their 80 year old narcissistic parent. It's heartbreaking for real. But, I'm happy we are here now, with what it seems, no possible chance of turning back. Thankfully, we have professionals like Dr. Ramani to help us wherever we are in our healing process.

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Did Social Media push us to edge?: Well, I hate to blame so much on social media, but as explained before, it really does have a lot to do with where we are as a society. There have been tests done to prove just how addicted people of all ages can be to social media; to the likes, the comments, the followers. And without it, it's evident that we wouldn't be so dam selfish. On one hand I do feel like being able to connect with others online, is incredible. But, for just some people, it's detrimental to their mental health. Either it be depression or just straight up being concided, social media absolutely pushed us to the edge.

Are we ALL prone to narcissistic behavior?!!!: YES! - I know you didn't want to read that lol. But yes, we are ALL, at some point, prone to behave in a "narcissistic way". Does that mean you are a cold and selfish person? NO! It just means you are human. As people, we are not just meant to be oh so sweet and kind. We NEED to be selfish at the appropriate times. If not, we will "get ran over" by those who appear to be much more mentally equipped to win. So don't worry, as long as you are not controlling others, lying a whole lot, and being manipulative, you will be ok. Again, remember, we are people who still go to war, so we are not genetically built to be sweethearts all day long.

Thank you so much for checking out todays blog. Again, forgive me for not posting in SO LONG. I noticed, I always come back to my blog at the begging of the year but, I also am in the middle of a messy divorce and I had a beautiful little boy so a lot of things have changed. This blog also, will change. Thanks for being here today. and please feel free to check out my personal Youtube Page, Amanda Recovery Jones, where I talk about an array of topics, especially those correlated to my personal life." target="_blank

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