Monday, December 23, 2019

5 Narcissist Free Resolutions For The New Year

A new year is near and if you decided to let go of your narcissist, there are a few things you may not want to forget. It took hard work, extreme emotional strain and even physical labor to end the relationship so, we want to make sure no narcissist can make their way into your heart again. Here are 5 New Year Resolutions to promise yourself for a narcissist free 2020.

  1. I promise to forever pay attention to the red flags:

  2. Although abuse is never the victim's fault, our empathetic nature makes it easy to ignore our doubts when it comes to a questionable personality. Instead of giving everyone the "benefit of a doubt", this time around, you must promise yourself to be "picky". Take into consideration the amount of time and energy wasted by simply having that "dark cloud" in your life. Now that they're gone, you do not want to let this happen again. Forever pay attention to the red flags. Pay attention to your intuition and make friends with your doubts. Ask hard questions and create boundaries early.

  3. I promise to put my self care first while dealing with any relationship:

  4. You gave up a lot when the "cloud" was over you. With all the drama, you most likely had zero time to take care of yourself and with children, it can be even more self neglecting. As the new year approaches, promise yourself to put your self care first regardless the extent of the relationship. Even friends, family and coworkers need to respect boundaries. So, make time for the people you love but never put anyone before your self care and healing. If for example a part of your healing includes going to church every Sunday, do not allow anyone to convince you that you should not attend. Continue to pursue the activities that bring you peace, always.

    “I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” — Audre Lorde

  5. I promise to keep practicing all techniques learned to stay narcissist free:

  6. It's said that the body forgets pain after it is relieved from it. The same goes after your "cloud" steps away. For 2020, promise yourself to keep practicing any tips or techniques you learned while searching for help. Always implement your "grey rock" persona when dealing with manipulative people, continue to stay off social media and forever go no contact with your past abuser. It feels great to be free so, enjoy while protecting your heart, mind and emotions.

  7. I promise to speak up when someone I love (or anyone) is suffering from narcissism abuse:

  8. Imagine how life could have been if someone spoke up when they saw you suffering. If we all want to end a cycle of abuse, we must make narcissists accountable for it. We know these personality types wear a mask infront of others but recognizing the signs in other's relationships can help avoid potential danger. Signs such as isolation is a blatant red flag and screams "help, I'm being abused and manipulated and I don't even know it". Love can be blind and you can be that special person to help open someones eyes.

  9. Last but not least, I promise to do something I have never done before

A new year signifies new beginnings! With your new sense of self and freedom, why dont you try something you've never done before? Something that may help in your healing? Or something exciting? For the new year, promise yourself to live an outstanding life. Do the things you were never "allowed" to and feel confident knowing - nothing is wrong with living a wonderful life. Have you ever painted? Read a novel? Ever tried some relaxing yoga?Let 2020 be the year of NEW.

If you're new to my blog, I'm so happy to have you here. If you're a regular, you have no idea how much your support means to me. If you ever need one on one support for narcissism abuse please feel free to email me at I'll be more than happy to help! Take care and happy holidays!

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